Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Super Club Begins!

Now that everyone has been assigned a group, the planning begins.
First choose a date and time, you need to have your first dinner in the month of June.
Choose a host home for the month. Typically, the host home will provide a main dish and the attending couples will bring side dishes, desserts, or other helpful items to complete the meal.
How your group handles child care is really up to your group, but one suggestion might be to set up one of the attending couples home for all the children with a couple of teenagers to sit for the evening.
When you have your dates and such chosen, contact Jennifer Nelson if you would like to invite a ministry worker...we don't want everyone to invite Pastor Mark every month and no one invite anyone else. ;)
Don't go crazy fixing up your homes...you perfectionist out there put too much pressure on the rest of us procrastinators and slackers.
As part of your evening, set up the details of the following months supper club. This way, the month doesn't escape you without making the plans.
The point is to have fun and fellowship with each other. Keep your plans balanced enough to be simple and nice. This way we don't loose the fun.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Church Yard Cleanup - March 21st 9am

There's nothing like a cool breeze, warm sunshine and a little physical labor to make a person really enjoy life. We all have an opportunity to experience that joy on March 21st. Meet us at the church at 9am. There will be ferilizer to spread, weeds to pull and probably a variety of plants to plop in the ground.

Our goal is to spend just a few hours in the morning sprucing things up. Remember the following week the potential new pastor will be visiting, so we want things to look nice. Besides, this is a good opportunity to be good stewards of God's blessings in our lives. It will only cost a little sweat. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if you found some donuts, juice and coffe out there.

By the way. You will need to bring your own gardening tools if you have them. It will be easier than using your fingers.

See you all at 9am on the 21st.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


We hear a lot about the barley harvest in Ruth. They actually harvested barley and wheat, but the barley came first - as early as April in some places. Barley was used as food for: horses, mules, donkeys and.....the poor. Here are some interesting ways barley was used:

Making bread (II Kings 4:42; Ezekiel 4:9)
A jealousy offering (Numbers 5:12-15)
The price of an adulteress (Hosea 3:1-2)
The price of a lewd woman (Ezekiel 13:18-19)
An expression of low rank and poverty (Judges 7:13)

**Ungers Bible Dictionary

Fellowship March 21st Arbor Hills

For those of you who joined us for the last fellowship at Arbor Hills, you will remember how awesome it was. Nature, games, food, playgrounds, hiking and more. The best part is it's free! Everyone will pitch in with food and drinks...pot luck. Bring the family!

Join us at 4:30!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ruth The Virtuous Woman

Did you know that many people have thought of the book of Ruth as a followup to the book of Judges? I recently read in a commentary by John Sailhamer (NIV Compact Bible Commentary), that the ancient Hebrews considered the book of Ruth a followup to Proverbs, because in it Ruth is a shining example of a virtuous woman. (Proverbs 31:10-31). As you study Ruth see if you can find where Ruth is specifically described as a noble or a virtuous woman.

Sunday, February 8, 2009